Collaborative Methods

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Revision as of 17:02, 25 December 2012 by United (Talk | contribs) (Ushahidi)

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Ushahidi is a program that mines and collects data and provides information for emergency situations, like natural disasters. Ushahidi is shared globally to track election results and has been used to gather information about supply needs in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti. More recently, it has been deployed for disaster relief in Fukushima.[1]

Occupy Cafe

The purpose of Occupy Cafe is to serve and expand the Occupy movement and to support the conversation it has ignited into the wider world. Real and meaningful change for good comes when WE THE PEOPLE stand, speak and act together, cooperatively and collaboratively.
Occupy Cafe on PortlandWiki

Open Space Technology

World Café

Participatory Society


  1. Insurgent Anarchism: the new networked resistance