Organized Power provides technology, training and consulting to empower working communities.
Author: Organized Power
Organized Power delivers technology, training and consulting services to empower working communities. We help you make connections, collaborate, and strengthen relationships with colleagues, community organizations and neighborhood businesses. Our technology lets you to seamlessly interact with coworkers, supervisors, customers and others within and outside your organization.
Power is all about building and maintaining relationships. Building robust, collaborative working relationships unites the ideas and concerns of everyday working people into a single, powerful voice. Organized Power brings you the tools necessary to build strong working relationships and step into new possibilities.
Real organized power begins and ends with people. People willing to educate themselves, their friends, family, neighbors and coworkers about their most pressing concerns. People ready to act.
Where can you find common ground with others in your community? What common concerns do we all share? How do we put our primary focus on addressing our common interests together?
Why do people find strength in unity? How do we recognize our common interests and meet each other on common ground? What can unified, empowered communities achieve by working and acting together?
Massive tax cuts for wealthy people but dwindling job opportunities for working people? How did we end up with such an insane, unbalanced economic scheme? Did such madness just happen by accident? If so, how? If not, who decides?
Organized Power is a technology consultant and service provider. We develop, customize and deploy carefully selected collaborative technologies, and to train people how to use them. Our clients include small businesses, union organizers, social service agencies and community organizations.
Organized Power focuses on identifying free or freely available technologies that individuals and groups within a given community can use to assist them with their organizing goals and community building efforts.
Organized Power is about using collaborative technology to make connections and build relationships.
Organized Power is about you!
Organized Power’s overarching goal is to assist people within the community in making use of freely available technologies for the purpose of bringing people together to meet, plan, communicate, collaborate, get things done and enjoy each other’s company.